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Social Welfare

animal welfare

Animal Welfare

animal welfare

Nature Welfare & Other objectives

  1. Social Welfare
  2. Animal Welfare
  3. Nature Welfare & Other objectives

That the objects and purposes of the TRUST shall be 

The overall aim of the society is to make India ready for the challenges of the 21st century for which it needs to adopt a strategic and step- by- step approach and to raise the socio–economic status of the poor of the Society and Protecting the Rule of Law. 

(a) To Create And Develop Programs For Women’s And Child Welfare So As To Achieve The Overall Development Of Women And Child. 

(b) To Have Special Program For The Rehabilitation Of Old Age, Widows, Divorcees, Destitute And Handicapped. 

(c) To Eradicate Social Evils Like Dowry, Child Marriage, Woman And Child Labour In The Society And Create Awareness In This Field. 

(d) Development Of Women And Children To Run Small Educational Centres, Self-Help Group And Other Program. 

(e) To Establish, Manage And Maintain Old Age Homes, Home For Orphan Children, Widow Home And Provide Them Shelter, Health Care And Other Facilities. 

(f) To Provide Hope To Hopeless Situations Of The Disadvantaged Children Within India Or Outside India By Providing Food, Clothing, Water, Shelter, Education, And Sanitation. 

(g) To Find And Provide Alternative Homes For Children In Need Of Care And Special Protection 

(h) To Increase The Level Of Literacy Among Children With The Aim Of Expanding Their Opportunities For Self-Reliance By Providing And Promoting Basic Education. 

(i) To Make Extension Of Education For Social Awareness Like Unemployment, Birth- Control, Corruption, Social And Economic Exploitation. 

(j) To Organize Blood Donation, Eye Donation And Social Awareness Campaign Among The Youth. 

AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED that, if any one or more of the objects
specified in this clause are held not to be objects of public charitable nature as defined by the Income Tax Act, 1961, or any statutory amendment or modifications thereof, the Trustees shall not carry out or spend any money on such object or objects but the validity of the Trust created by these presents as a Trust for public charitable purposes shall not in any way be affected.

That the objects and purposes of the TRUST shall be

The overall aim of the society is to make India ready for the challenges of the 21st century for which it needs to adopt a strategic and step- by- step approach and to raise the socio–economic status of the poor of the Society and Protecting the Rule of Law.

(a) To Prevent Cruelty Against The Animals And To Secure Their Welfare.
(b) Building And Maintaining Shelters And Rescue Homes For Animals.
(c) Provision Of Ambulances For Animals In Distress.
(d) Humane Education To Bring! Spread Awareness About Animals.
(e) Holding Of Periodical Animal Shows And Awarding Prizes To Owners Of Animals Which Are Well Looked After.
(f) Organizing Painting, Essay, Elocution, And Other Competitions On Animal Themes To Promote Kindness To Animals Among Children.
(g) Conserve, Protect And Promote Endangered Species Of Animals.
(h) Organizing Animal Welfare Training Programmers To Volunteers And Awarding Certificates.
(i) Be Kind To Animals- Stop Ritual Sacrifice Of Animals.
(j) Stop Overloading Of Draught Animals.
AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED that, if any one or more of the objects specified in this clause are held not to be objects of public charitable nature as defined by the Income Tax Act, 1961, or any statutory amendment or modifications thereof, the Trustees shall not carry out or spend any money on such object or objects but the validity of the Trust created by these presents as a Trust for public charitable purposes shall not in any way be affected

That the objects and purposes of the TRUST shall be

The overall aim of the society is to make India ready for the challenges of the 21st century for which it needs to adopt a strategic and step- by- step approach and to raise the socio–economic status of the poor of the Society and Protecting the Rule of Law.

(a) To Provide Information/Knowledge Regarding Conservation Of Energy, And Use Of Renewable Sources Of Energy Like "Gobar-Gas Plant", "Solar Cell" Etc
(b) To Empower People Below Poverty Line And Make Them Self-Reliant Through The Development And Effective Execution Of Inclusive And Comprehensive Strategies.
(c) To Make A Sustainable Impact On Improving The Daily Life Of The People In India.
(d) To Provide Educational Facilities To The Poor Sections Of The Society For The Up-Liftment Of The Community Throughout India.
(e) To Undertake The Programs Of The Society Through The Assistance And Co-Operation Of Educational Institutions.
(f) To Celebrate National Festival, Great Leaders Remembrance As Well As Jayanti.
(g) To Develop Programs For The Employment Of Educated And Support And Encourage Self-Employment.
(h) To Develop Programs For The Employment Of Educated And Support And Encourage Self-Employment.
(i) To Promote, Encourage, Organize And Assist In The Improvement Of The Productive Capacity Of Degraded Lands And Thereby Also To Create Additional Employment Opportunities Through Suitable Conservation, Reclamation And Cultural Practices Including Tree Cropping, Fish Farming, Irrigation, Improved Chulas, Wood Gasifiers And Other Technologies, Etc ; Amongst The Rural People, School Children, Youth, Particularly Belonging To Scheduled Castes And Tribes And Other Weaker Sections, With A View To Bring About Ecological Stability And Rural Development On No Profit No Loss Basis.
(j) To Ensure Adequate Power And Water Supply To The Rural Areas Of The Country And Around And Take Effective Measures Wherever Necessary.
(k) To Encourage Sports, Fine Arts, And Entertainment.
(l) To Have Amity With People Of All Religion, Caste And Creed And Spread The Message Of Unity.
(m) To Assist Village Communities, Private And Public Sector Corporation, Voluntary Agencies, And Other Institutions To Establish Plantations Of Suitable Species Of Trees With The Cooperation And Help, Wherever Necessary, Of Financial Institutions And Government Agencies.
(n) To Disseminate Knowledge And Information To Corporate Sector, Voluntary Agencies, Researchers And Interested Public Through Establishing A Journal And Other Related Media Either Free Of Cost Or On A No Profit No Loss Basis.
(o) To Accept Donations, Assistance, And Funds On Behalf Of The Implementing Agencies From The Government And/Or Foreign Donors In The Manner Stated Above And To Obtain Necessary Accounts And Information Regarding The Physical And Financial Progress Of The Schemes.
(p) To Encourage And Establish Groups And Association Of Like-Minded Persons And Organizations And Establish Links With Similar Societies And Institutes In India And Elsewhere.
(q) To Do All Such Acts And Things As May Be Consistent With Or Incidental To And Conducive For The Attainment Of Any Or All The Above Objects.
(r) To Make Any Alteration, Amendment, Or Additions To The Rules For The Smooth And Successful Working Of The Society.
AND IT IS HEREBY DECLARED that, if any one or more of the objects specified in this clause are held not to be objects of public charitable nature as defined by the Income Tax Act, 1961, or any statutory amendment or modifications thereof, the Trustees shall not carry out or spend any money on such object or objects but the validity of the Trust created by these presents as a Trust for public charitable purposes shall not in any way be affected.

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